会社の選び方 BtoCとBtoB

分かれ道日本人大学生の就職したい企業の人気ランキング上位では、金融機関、商社、旅行会社、鉄道会社など、有名な企業が並びます。私たちは会社を選ぶとき、名前を聞いたことがある企業には関心を持ちますが、今回は、消費者向けビジネスをしているBtoC (Business to Consumer)と、法人間でビジネスをしているBtoB(Business to Business)の一般的な特徴を比較をします。自分がBtoB企業、BtoC企業、どちらで働きたいかイメージしてみてください。

Finance, trading, travel and transportation corporations are among the top ranked which Japanese new grad students want to get in. We tend to get interested in well-known company. Today’s topic is about company so-called BtoC (Business to Consumer) and BtoB(Business to Business) . We will discuss differences in their characteristics.



BtoC company manufactures commodity for the public. It should be exciting to receive a dynamic response in markets. While its business sales can be affected easily by domestic economic trend, there are products that can be sold more in the downward economic trend such as UNIQLO; cost effective product.



BtoC company provides not only commodity but also consumer service such as hotels, travel agencies and transportation. Students with high hospitality and communication skills are well suited for these industries. If you are in the position serving with Japanese customers, you are required for high Japanese proficiency.



BtoB company does business with corporate, academic and government institutions. Once business relationship is established between them, it will be long-run and solid. However, on the contrary, it will be a big loss if it stops for some reason.


There are lots of great B to B companies who provide advantageous technologies and inventive engineering with well-known big companies domestically and overseas. Often they have big share in important fields even if limited. Moreover, because they are less known, less students know and apply for them. You may have more chance to get an offer and play an important role after joining at the company.


Once you encounter an interesting company, please look into criteria such as market share in a fieled, its technology, the 5-year recent financial status in sales and profits, and why the company would like to hire international students for what position.


By comparing companies with such criteria, we believe you may make more objective judgement and reach a success in the end.


We posted free Shukatsu(就活)seminars update for July in Ryukatsu seminar and event page. Lets’ go ahead for your success!




カテゴリー: 未分類 パーマリンク