

Your native language and strong passion for your desirable company are not enough to bring you a job offer. Also, choosing a company that seems easy to get in just because they hire lots of international students would also not give you a job offer. A company can look through the intension easily.



Widening your scope to at least a couple of related/similar industries while consulting with who are working in the industries and professional career consultants at school and human resource companies are keys to receive your desirable job offer. They can tell you what the companies and industries want from international students, especially you.



It is very difficult for who never worked as an employee to understand what a company really looks for. For example, a job at consulting firms and trading firms, especially big international ones, importantly require high level of language skill such as persuading and negotiating Japanese. It is a same situation with hotel industry. The job there requires high Japanese language and communication skill to serve sometimes demanding customers not only nice tourists.




So it is recommended to communicate with your surrounding people, especially adult workers, in your daily life, and get “REAL” useful information for your job hunting.

Looking back at what you have really cared for in your past, recognizing what you would like to get and how you like to grow for the next couple of years, deciding your priorities, and trying more job application will surely bring you “the company you can work at”.




Ryukatsu-net will hold “Shukatsu” seminar focusing on interviews in August. Among them is a special one about Japanese wording for job interview taught by a professional Japanese teacher! Don’t miss it and apply early at www.ryugakusei.com/event/.

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