


Hello everyone. We hope you had a great time in the past Golden Week holiday. We also hope that you are doing fine in your job hunting so far.


One data says that Japanese new grad job hunters apply for about 40 companies, and attend about 45 seminars such as company information sessions. It shows that they experience sufficient numbers of companies until they complete their job hunting activities in the end. It should be the same process of improving Japanese proficiency for international students; Failure teaches success.


There are so many companies you never thought of. We recommend you to make a habit of reflecting on your documentation and interview every time and don’t give up whenever you are stuck with job hunting. You can apply for a company in the same industry you already applied for. The more you experience, the better your application will be. If you feel disappointed at a result, just make yourself comfortable talking to your friends and family for a change.



Going through the economic recovery, many Japanese companies are increasing the number of hiring than last year. Now is a big chance for international students to start a career in Japan. Ryukatsu Net supports international students with holding free Shukatsu seminars. Here is the June shukatsu seminars schedule. Come to our seminar and strengthen your Shukatsu skills.


【理系対象/Science, Math and Engineering Major Students Only】

6/5(金) 18:00-20:00 個人・グループ面接の方法

 【文理対象/All Major Welcome】

6/19(金) 18:00-20:00 個人・グループ面接の方法


【マレーシア留学生限定/Malaysian Students Only】

6/6(土)10:30-12:30 個人・グループ面接の方法

 【インドネシア留学生限定/Indonesian Students Only】

6/6(土)14:00-16:00 個人・グループ面接の方法

【台湾人留学生限定/Taiwanese Students Only】

6/16(火) 18:00-20:00


【ベトナム人留学生限定/Vietnamese Students Only】

6/28(日)10:30-12:30 個人・グループ面接の方法

【タイ人留学生限定/Thai Students Only】

6/28(日)14:00-16:00 個人・グループ面接の方法



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カテゴリー: 未分類 パーマリンク