さまざまな雇用形態/Different types of employment




It is important for international students to understand that there are different types of employment and they are changing over time. In Japan, a proper employee was a major type of employment in the past, however the contracted one is getting more common in response to varying idea of working over times.



A proper employee called as Sei-Shain generally ensures unlimited duration of employment. It may require you to work at different places depending on your company business environment, however it is still attaractive due to the stability for those who would like to work in Japan for long term.



A contracted and temporary employee called as Keiyaku or Haken-Shain works for decided duration of employment. While it sounds disadvantageous, it is easier to get a job, and sometimes gives you a better chance to work at a desirable company, often big and famous one, which people could hardly get a job offer as a proper employee. Some people chooses this employment to pursue for a specific career.



Due to the Japanese aging society and labor shortage, a boundary between proper and contracted employments is getting blurred and conditions of employment gets more flexible at some companies. The followings are some examples recently seen.



A contracted employee will receive a same benefit plan as a proper employee does.


A contracted employee will have a chance to become a proper one after certain years of work; for example 1-3 years.


A proper employee may chooses a variant type of employment called Gentei-Sei-Shain, literally meaning a proper employee with condition of hours and places in work.


A proper employee may receive 3-day off per week.



There was a stereotyped image that “a Japanese salary man” works till late night scarifying family matters. It seems changing over times.





Ryukatsu-net will hold Shukatsu seminars on job interview with Japanese companies on Aug28, and on brushing up your Japanese expression for job interview taught by a professional Japanese teacher on Sep 1. Moreover, we will start a basic job hunting seminar for 2017 entry soon. Please register early from Ryukatsu-net www.ryugakusei.com/event/ as seats are limited.


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8月はチャンスの時期/ The important timing for Shukatsu success


August, the peak of Shukatsu, started!! Now is the important chance for you to catch up with other active Shukatsu students and get a desirable job offer.



Most companies will hold the “Naitei-shiki” (内定式) on October 1st , at which they will officially give  job offer contract and celebrate for joining the companies. Because it is conventional schedule for companies to hold the event on the day, they are now actively hiring new grads to finish their hiring activity on time.



All of sempai international students who receive job offers say “not giving up despite failure” is the key for Shukatsu success. When you do not have a luck with job interview, please reflect on what you said which caused interviewee’s skeptical face. Further, please ask career counselor like us or Shukatsu friends near you for their opinion on what you said. Not giving up and reviewing will surely bring you the success.



Ryukatsu-net is always supporting with international students striving to achieve. We will hold a last August seminar on interview in the evening of August 28. Please register early as available seats are limited at http://www.ryugakusei.com/event/


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Your native language and strong passion for your desirable company are not enough to bring you a job offer. Also, choosing a company that seems easy to get in just because they hire lots of international students would also not give you a job offer. A company can look through the intension easily.



Widening your scope to at least a couple of related/similar industries while consulting with who are working in the industries and professional career consultants at school and human resource companies are keys to receive your desirable job offer. They can tell you what the companies and industries want from international students, especially you.



It is very difficult for who never worked as an employee to understand what a company really looks for. For example, a job at consulting firms and trading firms, especially big international ones, importantly require high level of language skill such as persuading and negotiating Japanese. It is a same situation with hotel industry. The job there requires high Japanese language and communication skill to serve sometimes demanding customers not only nice tourists.




So it is recommended to communicate with your surrounding people, especially adult workers, in your daily life, and get “REAL” useful information for your job hunting.

Looking back at what you have really cared for in your past, recognizing what you would like to get and how you like to grow for the next couple of years, deciding your priorities, and trying more job application will surely bring you “the company you can work at”.




Ryukatsu-net will hold “Shukatsu” seminar focusing on interviews in August. Among them is a special one about Japanese wording for job interview taught by a professional Japanese teacher! Don’t miss it and apply early at www.ryugakusei.com/event/.

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会社の選び方 BtoCとBtoB

分かれ道日本人大学生の就職したい企業の人気ランキング上位では、金融機関、商社、旅行会社、鉄道会社など、有名な企業が並びます。私たちは会社を選ぶとき、名前を聞いたことがある企業には関心を持ちますが、今回は、消費者向けビジネスをしているBtoC (Business to Consumer)と、法人間でビジネスをしているBtoB(Business to Business)の一般的な特徴を比較をします。自分がBtoB企業、BtoC企業、どちらで働きたいかイメージしてみてください。

Finance, trading, travel and transportation corporations are among the top ranked which Japanese new grad students want to get in. We tend to get interested in well-known company. Today’s topic is about company so-called BtoC (Business to Consumer) and BtoB(Business to Business) . We will discuss differences in their characteristics.



BtoC company manufactures commodity for the public. It should be exciting to receive a dynamic response in markets. While its business sales can be affected easily by domestic economic trend, there are products that can be sold more in the downward economic trend such as UNIQLO; cost effective product.



BtoC company provides not only commodity but also consumer service such as hotels, travel agencies and transportation. Students with high hospitality and communication skills are well suited for these industries. If you are in the position serving with Japanese customers, you are required for high Japanese proficiency.



BtoB company does business with corporate, academic and government institutions. Once business relationship is established between them, it will be long-run and solid. However, on the contrary, it will be a big loss if it stops for some reason.


There are lots of great B to B companies who provide advantageous technologies and inventive engineering with well-known big companies domestically and overseas. Often they have big share in important fields even if limited. Moreover, because they are less known, less students know and apply for them. You may have more chance to get an offer and play an important role after joining at the company.


Once you encounter an interesting company, please look into criteria such as market share in a fieled, its technology, the 5-year recent financial status in sales and profits, and why the company would like to hire international students for what position.


By comparing companies with such criteria, we believe you may make more objective judgement and reach a success in the end.


We posted free Shukatsu(就活)seminars update for July in Ryukatsu seminar and event page. Lets’ go ahead for your success!




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会社の選び方 会社の規模から考える



Japanese company’s recruitment is ongoing now. We understand it is hard for international students to find enough time to prepare application document and interview in Japanese while doing your study at school. To make an effective action, you need to consider how you would like to work at company.

While Japanese students generally prefer working at big companies, our survey shows that more than half of international students don’t care about company’s scale as long as they can use their ability and skills.  Today’s blog will explain about pro and con in thinking of different company scale when choosing one for you.




Big companies have wider choices of business products/service and work fields, name recognition, high bonus payments, work environment and well developed training plan and good benefit package such as housing and pension plan. On the other hand, mid-small companies offer dynamism in which the companies are expanding their business. They actually have distinguished technologies and service that support big companies business. You are asked to play different and important roles, and you could have a closer relationship with executives than in big companies.



Next, let’s see cons in the same way. Big companies are divided into small business projects and have job rotation system thus you may not reach what you would like to do first, and you might even have a possibility of being transferred to a different region. You will also go through narrowed chance of career advancement.

Mid-small companies have limited business fields and have a possibility of losing what you are working in due to a changing business environment. Also, the companies’ benefit package may not be as good as ones at big companies.


Above are general sayings and different at each company. It is your choice of what to prioritize for your first company in your long career. To recognize what you would like to priotize, please ask company lots of questions at company information session. We will discuss about it from a different perspective in the next blog.



There are company information sessions held in June and July for international students. Please check out our seminar/event page for registration.


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It is said that Japanese companies put an importance on “Japanese proficiency”, “Communication Skill”, “Positive Attitude”, and “Strong Motivation to work for the applying company” in their recruitment process. We often hear from international students that they are concerned about their Japanese proficiency to perform well at a company interview. What do you think the level of proficiency Japanese companies expect?


In fact, there are not so many Japanese companies that expect international students to speak fluently like a native Japanese speaker. Rather, they expect appropriate communication manner; to convey logical and persuasive message clearly and politely even though slowly and in easy words.


In a company interview, you need to have an interviewer impressed for a short time. Therefore, we recommend you to make as much opportunity to communicate in such a manner with Japanese people as possible on a daily basis. Ryukatsu-net offers seminar specializing on the company interview, in which you can receive advice from a professional career consultant after face to face practice. Please make the most of such opportunity for your job hunting!






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Hello everyone. We hope you are doing fine. Hydrangea started to bloom these days. It shows rainy season is coming soon, which actually started in Okinawa last week!


By the way, how do you choose a job for your career? Some chooses it for a good pay and living in Japan for a while, others for receiving a recognition by your family and friends. You may not make a choice of  job you like to pursue for any reason.work


A famous Japanese business person Mr. Uichiro Niwa says that work will give you a visible rewards; economic rewards, and invisible rewards; self-development. He also says that a person needs a challenge that work gives through achieving a task. In a business society, a business deal is often made by not only a commodity itself but also a person who sells it. It is a matter of trust that comes from a personality. Thus, he means that you need to continuously grow yourself through making an effort.


This is one opinion by the successful senior in the business society, so what is the work that you really put your effort on, and that grows yourself? It is easy to make a realistic choice  when you are not doing well at shukatsu (就活), but we hope you will make a right decision from a wide variety of perspective.


In some cases, it may not be realistic to start the job you like with your current skills. Still, you have a choice to go for it through a roundabout path. We hope you examine what you achieved on your past, and find what you really like to do for your future career in the long run.




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Hello everyone. We hope you had a great time in the past Golden Week holiday. We also hope that you are doing fine in your job hunting so far.


One data says that Japanese new grad job hunters apply for about 40 companies, and attend about 45 seminars such as company information sessions. It shows that they experience sufficient numbers of companies until they complete their job hunting activities in the end. It should be the same process of improving Japanese proficiency for international students; Failure teaches success.


There are so many companies you never thought of. We recommend you to make a habit of reflecting on your documentation and interview every time and don’t give up whenever you are stuck with job hunting. You can apply for a company in the same industry you already applied for. The more you experience, the better your application will be. If you feel disappointed at a result, just make yourself comfortable talking to your friends and family for a change.



Going through the economic recovery, many Japanese companies are increasing the number of hiring than last year. Now is a big chance for international students to start a career in Japan. Ryukatsu Net supports international students with holding free Shukatsu seminars. Here is the June shukatsu seminars schedule. Come to our seminar and strengthen your Shukatsu skills.


【理系対象/Science, Math and Engineering Major Students Only】

6/5(金) 18:00-20:00 個人・グループ面接の方法

 【文理対象/All Major Welcome】

6/19(金) 18:00-20:00 個人・グループ面接の方法


【マレーシア留学生限定/Malaysian Students Only】

6/6(土)10:30-12:30 個人・グループ面接の方法

 【インドネシア留学生限定/Indonesian Students Only】

6/6(土)14:00-16:00 個人・グループ面接の方法

【台湾人留学生限定/Taiwanese Students Only】

6/16(火) 18:00-20:00


【ベトナム人留学生限定/Vietnamese Students Only】

6/28(日)10:30-12:30 個人・グループ面接の方法

【タイ人留学生限定/Thai Students Only】

6/28(日)14:00-16:00 個人・グループ面接の方法



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  • 横河電機説明会(制御システム・計測機器のグローバル企業)



  • 広芸インテック説明会(いすゞ自動車グループ会社タイの現地法人幹部候補)




  • コニカミノルタ説明会(情報機器等、世界40カ国以上に拠点をもつグローバル企業)






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日時:2015年4月25日(土) 12:00-18:00

会場: 東京ドームシティプリズムホール



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